Soul & Self Alignment
"It's about finding You"
Follow your Heart, align your soul.

Our eternal search for self.
"Everything is timing"
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Welcome from
Ernest M. Henry
Twin Flame & Soul Alignment Sessions/Readings
Spiritual Alignment Coach
Spiritual Counselor
Intuitive Empath
Trance Channel Medium
Reiki Master
Massage Therapist
Aura Soma Practitioner

Sessions, Groups, and Events
Follow Me

Soul, Spiritual and Business Alignment
Soul and Self Alignment Readings
Soul, Spiritual, and Self Alignment Key Cards
Twin Flame Journey to the Heart
Understanding Your Process
Twin Flame Readings
Twin Flame Journey Key Cards

Soul, Spiritual, Alignment Reading
One on one reading sessions
30 & 60 minutes available
Price confirmed on appt request
Find your inner compass, align to your soul's purpose.
Workshops Classes Available
Utilizing keys to unlock your inner path doors to full 360 degree to on going Self Alignment
Meet Ernest M. Henry
Twin Flame and Soul Alignment Counselor

Welcome it's not by chance, but by your divine timing that you have found me. I welcome you back with honor and love in helping you on your inner journey to Soul Alignment, aligning you to your inner compass and the direction you want to follow for your highest good.
Through soul alignment, self love increases, our soul vibrates to a different sound, we now speak from our heart,our inner and outer self now merged as one, we step into flow, aligned, connected to spirit, source.
Integrated, our actions and self mastery to our self and others dictate the speed of our own inner ascension, we start to see the true meaning and divinity of our journey, with eyes open,hearing every sound, feeling everything, with no judgement of self or others.
Define your direction and align to
your inner compass,walk the path
you were always meant to follow "
Finding your spiritual balance.
When one has been awakened through an event, or through a person, or others, we have a great need to seek our soul, our self, along with a powerful feeling of inner expansion, freedom, and inner love, we get a glimpse of who we are within. With this comes a strong urge to discover more, our mind lights up, our intuition heightens, images flood our mind, and we want to tell the world, our family, partner, whoever.
Navigating and finding the right path for you has many challenges, expressing all that you have just discovered about you, to friends, and loved ones can be difficult, especially if they are not aligned or open to your journey or your new adventures of self discovery.
When we are in alignment everything flows, we are in flow with the universe, source, others and especially our inner self and soul, our vibration increases, our inner light shines more brightly, we attract souls of like mindedness, we then achieve spirit balance, like that of a spirit level used by builders to achieve perfect alignment.
When we listen, become aware and align to our souls calling our inner compass then stabilizes pointing us in the direction for our highest good, as compared to our old compass settings, randomly changing course with no clear direction.
Together, I help you align to your inner compass, by helping you become aware of the process within. By not just seeing but feeling those moments of awakening, you then start to take notice of the many signals given to you as your inner authentic inner self calls out to you seeking to align with your outer self. As you get closer to these two aspects of self,merging occurs, you become aware of your self, your truth, and what that means for you, supporting your unique soul journey and working out strategies with you that will help you find your soul purpose and spirituality whatever that is, that honors your path, your truth, at this point in your life.

Reiki and Distant Healing
1 hour Session.
A Reiki treatment consists of laying the hands on the body in a prescribed pattern and allowing the energy of life to flow through the hands to the person being treated.
The basic element of life energy is the essence of this healing practice. Because this is so, Reiki can be used in any situation where there is a desire for and openness to healing.
Culturally, we know little about this element of life energy. It is in the practice of the art, consciously being with this energy, that we learn more and become more aware. The form of treatment is simple while comprehensive.
The basis of the practice is self-treatment and treatment of others.

Twin Flame Session
One on one reading sessions
30 & 60 minutes available
Price confirmed on appt request
Couple sessions available
Workshops available
Twin Flame Journey Key Cards available for your reading and journey

We have many souls enter our lifetime, but we have only one Twin Flame, when we meet this person, a deep knowing is felt at the core of our being, an inner awakening occurs, a door is opened, at that point of recognition everything changes and the true journey of each twin's inner discovery to self through reunion begins. Alignment to their authentic self and self truth begins
This ride has many significant divine moments of bliss, and if you are reading this you know exactly what I mean, but you also know there are many bumps and bruises that will be felt by both twins, as you come closer together, or when one departs and runs to the hills.
Whether you become the runner or chaser, it doesn't matter,what is important is to become aware of the process, as this ride does have many ups and downs.If you remain open to surrendering and understanding those moments, as each twin moves closer together or apart, both will cope better and be more supportive to each other's journey.
The process of each Twin's inward journey can be a lonely one, as each twin's discovery of self and all that they will need to work on individually starts to unfold. Usually one of the twins lets go of inner attachments more quicker to things that have bound them prior. As one twin moves forward, the other may not move as fast, as the unraveling of self and surrendering to the process takes time.
Indeed both twins at some point will realize that part of their own journey is to address various aspect of themselves, surrendering to the process,can be difficult,but as each one grows energetically will drag the other along in their journey, either apart or together, as they are never apart but very much together, as the psychic and emotional connection is strong, ancient, and the chance to re unite, work on self, their own missions and ascend either together or individually was agreed by both and predestined before time.
Have you found your Twin? Are you lost? Are you running or chasing ? Let me guide and support you on this ride to finding yourself and what this means for you and your Twin Flame. It is a rare event that Twin Flames find each other, and rarer still if they can maintain the relationship while both Twins find themselves and each other again.
Using the Twin Flame and Alignment Card Decks
with Ernest M. Henry

Empathic & Intuitive
Trance Channel Medium
Utilized in Soul Alignment and Twin Flame
Readings & Sessional Work.
Empaths are highly sensitive, when it comes to emotions. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, using their intuition as a filter through which they experience the world and others.
Intuitive psychics, also known as Empaths or psychic intuitives, can help people in numerous ways in helping them re align to their self.
I serve as a healer, spiritual alignment guide, counselor, and coach, twin flame and soul journey facilitator, intuitive empath, and trance channel medium, helping you align you to yourself, and to your truth.
In general sessions, spirit tends to draw me to past and present life imagery, answers, for you to consider now, or they show me current situations to address, whatever message or spirit shows me, I present to you. I have learned that what we expect to hear, and think we need, is always different to what messages spirit gives us through any medium. We must Trust.
It’s always your choice, your timing, your free will, and what you want
to accept as your truth.

All sessions can be made by phone, Skype, WhatsApp, or in person
if locally based in Sydney.
Payment for scheduled session must be made at
time of services rendered. No exceptions.
Invoicing will be sent in advance.
Appointments commence once payment is received.
PayPal or Credit Card Accepted
Cancellations for any appointment must be made within 24 hours.